The Get Smart Gathering - Page 2
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Please note that all of the pictures on this page are licensed exclusively to and may not be used on any other website.
Copies of these photos, along with many other wonderful photos from the evening can be purchased at

The photo session was followed by dinner, where every fan got to sit with a cast or crew member at their table. Each table was named after a famous location from various episodes.

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Algie's Nursery
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The Alledon Arms
Paul, Madison, Karen, and Nate ate with William Schallert, Victoria Weisbart, and Victoria's friend. Dana, Alan Spencer, Barb, Amanda, Alice, Mike and TJ ate with Barbara Feldon. Alan Spencer, of course, is the creator of Sledgehammer!
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Gung Ho Chinese Laundry
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Schwartz's Island
Sean, Karen, Larry and Jude sat with Whitey Mitchell, Donna McCrohan-Rosenthal and their spouses. Michael, John, John, William, and Jim with Bruce Bilson, Tommy May and his wife, and Bernie and Katrina Kopell.
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Mother's Family Pool Parlor
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123 Main Street
Gina with Burt Nodella, Gary and Mrs. Nelson, and Nancy Barr. Leonard Stern, Stan Jolley, and Don Adams.
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Three Brothers Omniwash
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Speigel's Jewelry Store
I had the great experience of sitting with Dave Ketchum, who was thrilled to have a chair, not a washing machine. Eddie Hice and his family were the hosts of a table with Cliff and Susan.

Yes, there's even more cool stuff on Page 3!
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